Why Does My Instant Pot Air Fryer Smell?

Hey there, culinary adventurers and kitchen wizards!

Gather ’round as we dive into the sizzling world of the Instant Pot Air Fryer.

If you haven’t heard about this marvel yet, you’ve been missing out on a cooking sensation that’s taken modern kitchens by storm!

It’s the ultimate multi-tasking wizard, capable of whipping up healthy and mouthwatering meals faster than a wizard can say “Abracadabra!”

Now, before you get too carried away with visions of gourmet delights, let’s tackle a rather pungent predicament that some of you might have encountered: that not-so-pleasant aroma wafting from your Instant Pot Air Fryer.

Oh, we’ve all been there – you excitedly whip up your favorite meal, eagerly waiting for that divine aroma, and then… yikes! Instead of a delightful scent, you’re hit with something that smells like a mix of mystery meat and burnt rubber.

Not exactly the culinary experience we signed up for, huh?

But fret not, dear friends! We’re here to be your kitchen saviors, coming to the rescue with a treasure trove of knowledge to banish those pesky smells for good.

From the tales of residual odors lingering from past cookings to the legends of overcooked nightmares haunting your air fryer, we’ll uncover the mysteries behind these olfactory nuisances.

In this culinary quest, we promise to take you on an aromatic adventure of explanations and solutions. Picture it as a delicious detective journey, with you as the detective and your Instant Pot Air Fryer as the case waiting to be cracked open!

Together, we’ll unveil the secrets of why these odors manifest and, more importantly, how to bid them a hearty farewell.

So, dear readers, fasten your apron strings and prepare for a mouthwatering mission filled with helpful hacks, entertaining anecdotes, and a sprinkle of fun!

By the end of this odyssey, you’ll not only master your Instant Pot Air Fryer like a pro but also ensure that your kitchen stays fresh, fragrant, and fantastically fabulous!

Ready to embark on this savory adventure? Let’s roll up our sleeves and get cooking!

Also see: Which Instant Pot Accessories Are Worth It?

Why Does My Instant Pot Air Fryer Smell?

Your Instant Pot Air Fryer may emit smells due to various reasons, such as residual odors from previous cooking, accumulated grease, overcooking, or low-quality ingredients. Regular maintenance, proper cleaning, and using natural deodorizers can help eliminate these smells and keep your kitchen fresh and fragrant.

Exploring different recipes and ingredients can also refresh your appliance’s scent. If persistent smells persist, seeking professional assistance may be necessary to resolve any underlying issues.

Keto Air Fryer Recipes

Understanding the Instant Pot Air Fryer

Instant Pot Air Fryer

Overview of the Instant Pot Air Fryer and its Features

So, what’s the deal with this Instant Pot Air Fryer, and why is it the talk of the town?

Well, picture this: it’s like a wizard’s cauldron meets a supercharged convection oven – a magical mash-up of kitchen wonders!

Our trusty Instant Pot Air Fryer is more than just a gadget; it’s an all-in-one culinary genie that grants your foodie wishes. It combines the powers of pressure cooking, slow cooking, steaming, and sautéing with the sorcery of air frying.

Say goodbye to that cluttered kitchen counter, my friends, for this mighty multitasker is all you’ll ever need!

Keto Air Fryer Recipes

Benefits and Convenience for Cooking Healthier Meals

Now, let’s talk about the enchanting benefits it brings to the table – or should we say, to your plate! With the Instant Pot Air Fryer, you can whip up your favorite indulgences without an ounce of guilt.

Its air-frying prowess means you can achieve that crispy, golden goodness you crave, all while slashing the fat content like a culinary ninja! Sayonara, excess oil!

And did we mention the time savings? Oh, it’s like having a time-turner for cooking!

The Instant Pot Air Fryer works its culinary magic at lightning speed, making you wonder if you accidentally stumbled upon a time warp.

So, whether you’re a busy bee with limited cooking hours or simply hungry and impatient (no judgment here), this kitchen wizard is here to save the day.

But wait, there’s more! The health-conscious among us will rejoice at the healthier meal options this wonder machine brings to life.

From crispy air-fried veggies to guilt-free chicken wings, you’ll be dancing the happy foodie dance in no time!

It’s like having a personal nutritionist and a chef in one neat package.

Keto Air Fryer Recipes

And remember those pesky odors we talked about earlier? The Instant Pot Air Fryer is designed to keep them in check too.

Its enclosed cooking environment and efficient ventilation system make sure those tantalizing aromas stay locked inside, not lingering in your kitchen like an unwelcome guest.

Fresh, flavorful, and fabulous – that’s the name of the game!

So, whether you’re an aspiring master chef or a culinary novice, the Instant Pot Air Fryer is your kitchen’s best-kept secret. It’s a game-changer that lets you cook like a pro without the stress and fuss.

And did we mention it’s a breeze to clean? Trust us; you’ll be thanking this kitchen magician every time you finish a meal with minimal scrubbing required!

In the next chapter of our aromatic adventure, we’ll delve into the mystery of those not-so-pleasant smells that occasionally creep their way into our kitchen escapades.

So hold on to your chef hats and get ready to uncover the secrets behind the scents! Let’s dive into the world of odor detection and elimination – the ultimate kitchen whodunnit!

But for now, remember, the Instant Pot Air Fryer is more than just a kitchen appliance – it’s your culinary accomplice in creating healthier, faster, and utterly scrumptious meals.

Stay tuned, fellow foodies, as we continue this flavorful journey to uncover the answers to life’s most aromatic enigmas!

Keto Air Fryer Recipes

Common Culprits Behind the Smell

Residual Odors from Previous Cooking

Ah, the curious case of the lingering smells! You see, my culinary comrades, our beloved Instant Pot Air Fryer has a memory as sharp as a whip!

And just like any great wizard, it might carry a trace of the magical meals you’ve conjured up before. But fear not, for there’s an explanation behind this culinary déjà vu!

So, let’s unravel the mystery of those residual odors..

Picture this: you whip up a tantalizing batch of garlic-parmesan chicken wings or a fiesta of fish tacos. Oh, the taste buds tingle with delight!

Keto Air Fryer Recipes

But here’s the catch – some ingredients, like garlic and fish, leave their aromatic fingerprints behind, even after the meal is long gone.

It’s like they’ve carved their essence into the Instant Pot Air Fryer’s memory, leaving a trace of their scrumptious journey.

To tackle this tantalizing trail, here’s a sneaky tip: make friends with foil! Line the bottom of your air fryer basket with a little foil magic, especially when cooking odorous dishes.

This way, you’ll prevent those lingering scents from becoming too clingy. And if you’re really on a mission to be smell-free, you can even invest in a spare air fryer basket for different types of dishes – because who doesn’t love a versatile kitchen sidekick?

Related: Can An Instant Pot Be Used As a Deep Fryer?

Preventing cross-contamination of smells

Now, let’s talk about preventing cross-contamination of smells – it’s like a kitchen quarantine for your aromas! Just like you’d keep your potion ingredients separate (imagine accidentally mixing eye of newt with unicorn tears – not a good combo!), it’s essential to give your Instant Pot Air Fryer a clean slate before embarking on a new culinary adventure.

Before diving into your next tasty quest, give your air fryer a good scrubbing with warm soapy water. Show those stubborn smells who’s boss! You can even sprinkle a little baking soda on a sponge to exorcise any lingering odors.

Keto Air Fryer Recipes

And remember, just like any good detective, your air fryer deserves some downtime between cases – leave it open and let it air out after cleaning to keep it fresh and ready for action!

So, my savvy culinary companions, with these tips in your apron pockets, you’ll outwit those lingering smells like a seasoned detective on a tantalizing trail!

Stay tuned as we continue our aromatic investigation, uncovering more curious cases and cracking the code of culinary sorcery! But remember, the adventure doesn’t end here – oh no, dear readers, it’s only the beginning of our deliciously fragrant journey!

In the next thrilling chapter, we’ll tackle more aromatic enigmas, including the surprising culprits behind accumulated grease and food residue.

So sharpen those knives and ready your cleaning charms, as we’re about to reveal the secrets to a fresh and fabulous Instant Pot Air Fryer experience!

Are you up for the challenge? Let’s make culinary magic happen!

Accumulated Grease and Food Residue

Ah, yes, my fellow food aficionados, let’s dive into the not-so-glamorous world of grease and food residue – the sneaky culprits behind those persistent smells!

Do you know the saying “out of sight, out of mind”? Well, when it comes to cooking remnants, they might be out of sight, but boy, do they linger in the air fryer’s memory like seasoned foodie ghosts!

Picture this: you’re cooking up a delightful medley of crispy fries, juicy burgers, or perhaps some mouthwatering chicken tenders. Mmm, the feast is on!

Keto Air Fryer Recipes

But behind the scenes, some grease and food particles manage to escape your sight and find cozy hiding spots inside your air fryer. Over time, these culinary remnants can start to emit less-than-appetizing aromas, haunting your kitchen like leftover spirits from a feast long gone.

To keep these smell-snatching culprits at bay, a little cleaning magic is in order! After each culinary adventure, make it a habit to give your Instant Pot Air Fryer a quick wipe down.

Don’t forget to clean those nooks and crannies – they can be quite the hiding spots for foodie ghosts!

Unwanted Smells Maintenance

Now, let’s talk maintenance – the guardian charm against unwanted smells! Just like taming a wild magical creature, keeping your air fryer clean and maintained is essential to its longevity and odor-free existence.

Remember, the more love you give your kitchen sidekick, the more magical meals it’ll conjure for you!

Regular cleaning is key. Wipe down the air fryer basket, tray, and interior with warm soapy water after each use.

And if you’ve had a particularly rowdy cooking session, don’t be afraid to use a little elbow grease – pun very much intended!

Keto Air Fryer Recipes

Also, take a look at your air fryer’s user manual; it’s like your very own spell book for proper care and maintenance.

Following the manufacturer’s instructions is like having a cheat code to unlock the full potential of your kitchen sorcerer!

Low-Quality Ingredients or Cooking Oil

Ah, the secret ingredients behind the most enchanting culinary masterpieces!

Now, you might be thinking, “Why would low-quality ingredients even be part of my cooking repertoire?”

And we agree – in a world of flavorful possibilities, why settle for anything less than extraordinary?

My discerning foodies, using low-quality ingredients can be like a magical potion gone awry!

Not only do they rob your dishes of their full potential, but they can also leave behind unwelcome scents that linger like a pesky poltergeist.

Imagine using a cheap and lackluster cooking oil that’s been sitting in your pantry for eons – it might add a funky aroma and a lack of flavor to your masterpieces. No one wants a bland enchantment, right?

So, when it comes to your culinary creations, opt for high-quality ingredients that would make even Merlin himself nod with approval! Seek out fresh produce, top-notch proteins, and cooking oils worthy of your culinary prowess.

Your taste buds will thank you, and your Instant Pot Air Fryer will reward you with divine aromas and flavorful feasts!

Keto Air Fryer Recipes

Now, let’s explore the realm of better alternatives – the magical upgrades to your culinary arsenal!

Ditch the mundane and embrace the extraordinary.

For cooking oils, consider options like extra-virgin olive oil, coconut oil, or avocado oil – they not only add richness but also bring their unique flavors to the table.

They’re like the wands of your kitchen magic, unlocking new dimensions of taste!

When it comes to ingredients, don’t shy away from exploring the farmer’s market or specialty stores. Fresh herbs, organic vegetables, and high-quality meats can elevate your dishes to a whole new realm of deliciousness.

Your air fryer will thank you for this delectable alchemy of flavors!

So, my culinary comrades, with the power of top-notch ingredients and the wisdom of proper cleaning and maintenance, we’ll banish those unpleasant smells from our culinary kingdom!

We’re on the brink of uncovering more aromatic enigmas, so stay tuned for the next thrilling chapter, where we’ll tackle the curiously smelly cases of overcooking and burnt residue! Onward, to aromatic victory!

Overcooking and Burnt Residue

Ah, my intrepid culinary wizards, let us embark on a journey through the perilous terrain of overcooking and burnt residue – the battleground where scents turn from delightful to disastrous!

We’ve all been there – got distracted by a magical spellbook or a friendly kitchen ghost, only to find our delightful dish teetering on the edge of flavor oblivion.

Now, imagine this enchanting scenario: you’re whipping up a delightful batch of crispy chicken tenders or savory sweet potato fries. Time flies as you get lost in the world of flavors. Alas! Before you know it, your once-perfect culinary creation has turned into a charred offering to the kitchen gods.

Overcooking can transform your dish from a feast fit for royalty to a tragic tale of burnt ruins. And with that charred aftermath comes a rather persistent and not-so-pleasant smell that clings to your Instant Pot Air Fryer like a culinary curse!

But fear not, for we have the antidote to this predicament!

To avoid the dreaded burnt residue and the ensuing unwanted aromas, a few simple cooking tips can work wonders:

Keto Air Fryer Recipes

a. The Magical Timers: Keep an eye on your cooking time like a vigilant sentinel! Set timers and reminders, so you’re always in control. Each dish has its own magic cooking time, and sticking to it will ensure you achieve perfection, not charcoal.

b. The Temperature Spell: Like a master wizard, adjust your cooking temperatures wisely! High heat might seem enticing for quicker results, but it can quickly turn your meal into a culinary phoenix. Opt for medium heat to allow flavors to unfold harmoniously.

c. The Basket Shake Dance: Give your ingredients a little shake, rattle, and roll during cooking! Move them around gently in the air fryer basket to ensure even cooking and prevent those sneaky burnt spots from emerging.

d. The Magic Peek-a-Boo: Resist the temptation to constantly open the air fryer lid like a curious child peeking through the keyhole! Every time you lift the lid, you interrupt the cooking process, and it might take longer to achieve that magical perfection.

e. The Cover Charm: For delicate dishes that are prone to overcooking, use a little foil cap to shield them from the intense heat. It’s like giving them a protective cloak against the fiery flames!

By wielding these cooking tips like the magical tools they are, you’ll conquer the menace of overcooking and burnt residue with ease! Your dishes will delight the taste buds, and your Instant Pot Air Fryer will remain as fresh as a summer breeze.

So, my culinary comrades, we’ve now mastered the art of battling those lingering scents with the power of proper cleaning, high-quality ingredients, and impeccable cooking techniques.

But our aromatic journey doesn’t end here – oh no! There are still more culinary curiosities to explore and savory secrets to unveil. Stay tuned as we uncover more flavorful mysteries in our quest to make your kitchen the ultimate haven of gastronomic magic!

In the next thrilling chapter, we’ll dive deeper into the realm of natural deodorizers and clever ventilation tricks to keep your Instant Pot Air Fryer smelling fresh and fabulous!

Get ready for some odor-eliminating enchantments that will leave you spellbound!

The Importance of Regular Maintenance

Ah, my kitchen sorcerers, let’s now delve into the sacred art of maintaining your trusty Instant Pot Air Fryer – the key to an everlasting aroma of culinary enchantment!

Remember, just like a wand needs polishing to maintain its magical prowess, your air fryer needs a little tender loving care to keep it at its best.

The significance of keeping the Instant Pot Air Fryer clean

Listen closely, my culinary apprentices, for the importance of regular maintenance cannot be overstated! Keeping your Instant Pot Air Fryer squeaky clean isn’t just about appearances; it’s about ensuring that every meal you conjure is an unforgettable experience – in the best way possible!

By performing regular cleaning rituals, you banish any lurking residue and prevent those unwanted scents from ever taking root. You wouldn’t want the ghosts of meals past haunting your culinary future, right?

With a little cleaning magic, your air fryer will stay fresh and fragrant, ready to weave its culinary wizardry for many feasts to come. So, roll up your sleeves and get ready to channel your inner cleaning guru!

A step-by-step guide on how to clean the appliance thoroughly

Now, let’s unveil the sacred secrets of proper air fryer cleaning! Here’s a step-by-step guide to ensuring your Instant Pot Air Fryer stays pristine and odor-free:

  1. The Pre-Cleaning Charm: Before embarking on your cleaning quest, make sure the Instant Pot Air Fryer has cooled down completely. You don’t want any accidental burns while you’re in the midst of your culinary cleansing ritual!
  2. The Disassembling Spell: Gently disassemble your air fryer, removing the basket and tray. They’re like the heart and soul of your air frying experience!
  3. The Soapy Soak: Create a magical mixture of warm, soapy water in your sink or a large bowl. Submerge the basket and tray in this enchanting elixir and let them soak for a few minutes. This will help loosen any stubborn food remnants.
  4. The Gentle Scrub: With a soft sponge or cloth, work your cleaning magic on the basket and tray. Scrub away any lingering residue but be gentle – you don’t want to damage the non-stick coating.
  5. The Inner Sanctum: Now, let’s turn our attention to the air fryer’s interior. Using a damp cloth, gently wipe away any grease or food particles that might have escaped during your cooking escapades. Those little buggers can’t hide from your watchful eye!
  6. The Final Rinse: Rinse the basket and tray thoroughly under warm running water to remove any soapy remnants. Rinse, rinse, and rinse again – we want to leave no trace of the cleaning potion!
  7. The Drying Charm: Allow the basket and tray to air dry completely. Patience is a virtue in the world of cleaning magic!
  8. The Reassembling Ritual: Once everything is dry and pristine, put the basket and tray back into your air fryer. It’s like reuniting long-lost friends!
  9. The Proud Display: Finally, display your sparkling clean Instant Pot Air Fryer like the culinary masterpiece it is! With its gleaming surfaces and fresh scent, it’s ready to weave culinary spells like never before!

Additional Tips to Eliminate Odors

Utilize Natural Deodorizers

Ah, the age-old wisdom of natural deodorizers – the enchanting potions that neutralize odors and leave your kitchen smelling like a fragrant garden!

Prepare to harness the power of lemon, vinegar, and baking soda, my culinary alchemists!

  1. The Lemon Sorcery: Slice a lemon in half and place it in your air fryer’s basket. The natural citrusy magic will absorb any lingering scents, leaving behind a fresh and invigorating aroma. It’s like summoning a culinary breeze straight from the lemon groves!
  2. The Vinegar Elixir: Fill a small bowl with white vinegar and place it in your air fryer. Let it sit for about 30 minutes to work its deodorizing charm. Vinegar’s odor-neutralizing properties are like a culinary potion that banishes smells to the netherworld!
  3. The Baking Soda Enchantment: Ah, the classic baking soda – the ultimate natural deodorizer! Sprinkle a generous amount on your air fryer’s tray, and let it work its magic overnight. By morning, it will have absorbed all those pesky odors, leaving your air fryer refreshed and ready for your next culinary conquest!

Remember, my magical cooks, these natural deodorizers are gentle and safe to use in your air fryer. No need to fear any harmful incantations here!

So, unleash the power of nature to keep your kitchen smelling delightful and ready to conjure the most enchanting flavors!

As we continue our aromatic journey, we’ll venture even further into the realm of odor detection and elimination.

So stay tuned, my culinary companions, as we unravel more fragrant mysteries and become masters of our delightful domain!

The next chapter awaits, where we’ll unlock the secrets of troubleshooting persistent smells and discover the hidden solutions that lie beneath the surface! Onward, to aromatic victory!

Preheat and Ventilate

Ah, my culinary wizards, let’s uncover the ancient secrets of preheating and ventilation – the mystical rituals that keep those initial smells at bay and ensure your kitchen remains a fragrant haven!

  1. The Preheating Elixir: Before embarking on your culinary quest, take a moment to preheat your Instant Pot Air Fryer. Just like a knight sharpening their sword before battle, preheating helps banish any initial odors that might have taken residence during its slumber. Set your air fryer to its recommended preheating temperature for a few minutes, and let it work its culinary sorcery!
  2. The Ventilation Incantation: Proper ventilation is like a breath of fresh air for your kitchen kingdom! During cooking, leave a little opening in your air fryer’s lid to allow steam and aromas to escape. But don’t worry, this won’t let any kitchen gremlins in – it’s just enough to keep your air fryer from feeling stuffy. And after cooking, let your Instant Pot Air Fryer breathe freely like a phoenix spreading its wings after rebirth!

Try Different Recipes and Ingredients

Ah, the joy of culinary experimentation – the spellbinding dance of flavors that can breathe new life into your Instant Pot Air Fryer! Now, my adventurous chefs, let’s embrace the power of trying different recipes and ingredients to refresh your kitchen’s aromatic aura!

  1. The Recipe Quest: Break free from your culinary comfort zone and embark on a recipe quest of epic proportions! The world of air fryer recipes is vast and magical, offering a treasure trove of flavors waiting to be discovered. From zesty shrimp tacos to delectable apple cinnamon fritters, there’s a recipe for every taste bud and smell preference. So put on your culinary explorer’s hat and start your journey into the unknown!
  2. The Ingredients Enchantment: Seek out ingredients that possess natural odor-neutralizing properties – they’re like culinary enchantments against unwanted scents! For instance, fresh herbs like rosemary, thyme, and basil release delightful aromas that can dance alongside your cooking creations. Plus, they add a burst of flavor that’s sure to elevate any dish to extraordinary heights!

You can also wield the power of citrus fruits like oranges and limes, which bring their zesty magic to the table while neutralizing odors like culinary superheroes.

And don’t forget about the earthy charm of garlic and onions – they’re like the culinary knights that banish unpleasant scents to the far corners of your kitchen realm!

So, my culinary adventurers, don’t shy away from experimenting with different recipes and ingredients. Your Instant Pot Air Fryer is a magical canvas waiting to be painted with the most delightful flavors and scents!

By embracing the power of variety, you’ll keep those lingering smells at bay and enjoy a kitchen that’s always filled with enchanting aromas.

As we continue our aromatic journey, we’ll delve even deeper into the world of odor detection and elimination.

Stay tuned, my culinary companions, as we unravel more fragrant mysteries and become masters of our delightful domain!

The next chapter awaits, where we’ll unlock the secrets of troubleshooting persistent smells and discover the hidden solutions that lie beneath the surface! Onward, to aromatic victory!

Troubleshooting Persistent Smells

Ah, my fearless scent detectives, it’s time to unravel the mysteries behind those persistent smells that just won’t take a hint and leave the kitchen party!

We know you’re eager to banish them to the culinary abyss, so let’s dive in and discover the hidden culprits behind these pesky odors!

The Underlying Enigmas:

Sometimes, despite all your magical efforts, those smells still persist like resilient enchantments. But fear not, for we’ll summon our keen detective skills to uncover the underlying issues!

  1. Could it be a hidden gremlin of accumulated residue? Check every nook and cranny to ensure no leftover particles are causing mischief.
  2. Is there a magical potion spillage or an accidental overcooking mishap? Make sure to clean up any spills and avoid cooking mishaps in the future.
  3. Is your air fryer showing signs of wear and tear? Like any magical artifact, it might need some maintenance or replacement parts to stay in top form.

By carefully investigating these underlying enigmas, you’ll be well on your way to banishing those persistent smells from your kitchen realm!

Seek Professional Assistance:

If the odorous riddles continue to mystify you despite your best efforts, don’t hesitate to seek the wisdom of professional kitchen wizards – the repair experts! They can wield their expertise to diagnose any potential issues with your Instant Pot Air Fryer and restore it to its former fresh-smelling glory.

Remember, there’s no shame in asking for a little magical assistance when needed!


And so, dear culinary adventurers, we’ve reached the end of our aromatic quest – a journey filled with culinary magic, flavorful escapades, and, of course, the secrets to a fresh-smelling kitchen kingdom!

In our quest to understand “Why Does My Instant Pot Air Fryer Smell?” we’ve become seasoned detectives, delving into the world of odor elimination with gusto!

We’ve uncovered the curious cases of residual odors, accumulated grease, and overcooked calamities, along with the magical solutions that bring our kitchen to olfactory bliss.

Through the power of regular maintenance and cleaning rituals, we’ve learned to keep our Instant Pot Air Fryer shining like a beacon of culinary excellence, ever ready to whip up delightful feasts.

We’ve harnessed the potency of natural deodorizers and ventilation charms to keep unwanted smells at bay and embrace the enchanting world of experimentation with different recipes and ingredients.

But even if a lingering scent dares to defy our culinary prowess, we know the ways of the scent sleuths! By investigating the potential underlying issues and seeking professional assistance when needed, we stand tall as masters of our aromatic domain.

So, let us bid farewell to the days of lingering odors and welcome the era of delightful fragrances in our kitchen realm.

With the Instant Pot Air Fryer as our steadfast kitchen companion, we’ll continue to create flavorful, healthier, and oh-so-fragrant meals that dazzle our taste buds and captivate our senses!

Remember, the key to a fresh-smelling kitchen kingdom lies in your hands – the power of proper maintenance, the art of cooking with high-quality ingredients, and the joy of culinary exploration.

Embrace these magical practices, and may your Instant Pot Air Fryer always fill your kitchen with the most enchanting aromas!

Happy cooking, and may your kitchen adventures be filled with endless culinary delights!

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